How ChatGPT handles awareness. Not.

18. Jan. 2023

So #ChatGPT it is these days. I understand the excitement, and I share lots of it. There is huge value, but be aware it happens strictly in the known of things.

There are distinct limitations when it comes to what achievers like to call „changing game“. Game, or life, for that matter, certainly is cognitive, algorithmic, logic, researchable, and it is way beyond all that, too: It is also about the unknown, about forming, about awareness, about emergence, about connectedness, about interdependency. Code doesn‘t compute these ways (see screenshot).

AI will change perspectives, approaches, strategies, operations, standards. It will bluntly consume human paradigms where AI outperforms, with impact and outcomes, favorable or difficult, to be seen.

Finally, advancing AI as a tool and pacemaker has the potential to become another insult to humanity (loosely based on Freud).


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